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วันอังคารที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Obey The Moderator! - Optimus Rhyme
It's come to my attention that some people on a torrent site are being mislead into thinking this is a high quality version of certain high demand movies. I didn't link to this there, it was a joke by someone else to tell people to stop spamming. If you found this video because of that, just hit the 'back' button on your web browser, and move on. A music video I made for "Obey The Moderator", by Optimus Rhyme (who's lead vocalist was Wheelie Cyberman aka Andy Hartpence, former (?) supervisor of web content for, the official website of Nintendo of America and Nintendo Power magazine. You can still find him doing some Nerdcore related side projects). Features images from the Nintendo Nsider Forums, Sonic Classic Forums, GameFAQ's, and The Blah Blah Roundtable. Music and Lyrics by Optimus Rhyme. Not to be confused with the Transformers Rap. The 'Steno Pool Remix' of this song is available on the OR Remix album, He Dies in Rocket School. This video was approved by the band (or at the very least, Andy/Wheelie), in case you were wondering. Very much OVER NINE THOUSAND! :P
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