The Best Social Networking Sites for Generating Free Network Marketing Leads
There's no such thing as the Best Social Network Sites for gathering Marketing Leads that was until the ongoing development of the Social Networks. Mainly, Facebook and Twitter. While there are many others such as MySpace, Blogs, Articles and You Tube for the most part Facebook and Twitter get more attention and exposure. Having said that the best marketing strategies to attract free network marketing leads are Facebook and Twitter. Video Marketing and Article Marketing are serious considerations once you have become an expert in Facebook an Twitter. If you are new to Network Marketing or Internet Marketing, work with one of these free strategies, become an expert then go to another. But first you must answer the question every prospect has, What's in it for me? and "does it provide value?" Answer those questions and they will help you to succeed in business.
Why Facebook?
Facebook is the fastest growing of all the Social Media. Founded in February 2004, Facebook helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and prospects. Anyone can sign up for a free Facebook account and interact with the people they know. Google Facebook and follow the simple set-up and do your first post in less than 20 minutes. For Network Marketers, Facebook establishes Relationships. Why is this important? Before someone joins your opportunity you must first establish a relationship. Once you have established that relationship and trust you can begin the visiting about your opportunity. Facebook continues to grow in features and capabilities. Launched October 1st, Facebook's new Timeline is now available. Be sure to check into this feature.
Why Twitter?
Twitter is a social networking service that allows you answer the question, "What are you doing?" This is done by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called "tweets". With Tweets, you share information with people that you wouldn't normally exchange email's thus opening up your circle of contacts to an ever-growing community of like-minded people. Finding people with the same interest you can begin establishing a Relationship. Once the relationship is established and the prospect knows and trust you, you can begin describing your business opportunity. Never talk about your opportunity until that relationship is established. Google Twitter and follow the set-up guide. Next go to "Who To Follow" Put in a name and begin to follow them. Soon you will have people Following and Followers. Anyone can sign up for a free Twitter account.
As an entrepreneur in Network Marketing, this type of free marketing will drive traffic to your site and prospect to your business. Facebook and Twitter are your least expensive and fastest approach for increasing your email list.
While there many other ways of getting FREE Network Marketing Leads, Facebook is the fastest growing and Twitter is the 9th most traffic-generating site. Facebook and Twitter are two of the most widely used Social Media tools today and highly recommended to begin your Network Marketing Business. Both are easy to set-up, easy to learn and easy to get followers and a great source of getting FREE leads.
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